

Customer Enquiry

Servicing the Photographic Industry for More Than Five Decades

The last fifty years has seen a profound change in photography and what it can provide industry, the public and your everyday photographer.   

We have seen all the developments and the changes in technology, but the one thing that has remained constant for me over the years is my love of photography and the responsibility I took on all those years ago, to provide you with images to remember, to evoke emotions you didn’t realise you had, and to just get the job done with the least amount of fuss. 

Born in Morwell Victoria in 1952, my career began in 1970 seeing me complete my apprenticeship as a photographer and darkroom technician with Gippsland Photographics in Morwell.

I have done the hard yards over the years hand printing black  and white photos in a traditional darkroom,  growing with technology as it became available  with colour photography, colour transparencies in all file formats and have been using the latest digital technology for some eight years now.  With all the latest technology, I also am one of the last suppliers able to shoot traditional colour slides, transparencies, colour negative material and traditional hand printed black and white prints.

I have shot in excess of 450,000 assignments over my 50 year career, which is testament to my love of photography. The people and places I’ve shot over the years include the Queen, the Pope, the Dali Lama, numerous celebrities and sporting personalities.  Many of these while I was at the Courier Mail, Sunday Mail and as Chief Photographer for the Queensland Times for 11 years.



A Licentiate member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography


Our Philosophy Is To Provide
Outstanding and Memorable Imagery ensuring Quality Over Quantity

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependant on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider to our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.” 

Mahatma Gandhi
